Sunday, March 25, 2012

Has it been this long?!

Wow. No excuses for my behavior. My sincerest apologies for not keeping you all informed!!! We have a lot of catching up to do, and I vow to do my best to update my blog as accurately and efficiently as possible  :)

For starters, I figured I would give a little preview as to some of the exciting news to come:
- Paris in 2 days
- Valentines Day
- Surviving the Eastern European winter
- Russia
- Running
- London

Okay, let us focus this blog post on Paris. What. An. Adventure.

Myself and tow of my great friends that I've made here (Erick and Alicia) made our way to Paris, France on February 4th. The goal: see AS MUCH as we can in just a day and a half. And what did we see? Well let me tell you :) 

1. The Eiffel Tower

2. Notre Dame 

3. The Louvre 

4. The Arc de Triomphe

In addition, we tackled the Paris metro system, enjoyed practicing our butchered french while navigating our way to the hostel our first night, one of us MIGHT have gotten their iPhone stolen (ehem... not me), enjoyed some Parisian hospitality, explored the city at night with baguette in hand (NOT overrated- they are delicious), and remained in a general state of awe at the sheer romantic nature of the city as a whole. 

A direct quote from my journal after arriving back to Klaipeda: "To be honest, it all still feels like a dream! That's why I want to journal right now, because I'm afraid I will forget. As soon as we landed in Paris (technically Beauvais) I think we all could feel the magic. I mean, we were traveling from a country drenched in cold weather and darkness to the city of romance. And it's crazy how visible this change is. The sun is warmer, people are happy, the buildings are artwork in and of themselves. And then we see it in the distance- the Eiffel Tower. That's when it truly hit me- we were in Paris!" 

Truly, I cannot wait to go back. This weekend was spent as a tourist. We saw everything we had set out to see. However, there were plenty of things I wish I could have experienced. Needless to say, the Lord's hand was on this entire adventure. Every step of the way, He guided us in a safe path. I know that the three of us could not be more grateful for the opportunity to see another part of the beautiful world that our Lord created for us. 

Stay tuned for a fun little story about Valentines Day, surviving the winter, and maintaining perspective :) 

Psalm 62:8 

1 comment:

  1. I am so envious you have no idea! I wanna hear about Russia!
